Thursday 4 June 2015

7 Natural Wonders of the World brief introduction,facts and photos

All these wonders are the incredible places that provide the inspiration and amazement to the visitors and enable them to feel the natural beauty. Here all the seven natural wonders are described with their cool photos.The great thing is that all of these wonders exists even today.

Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is a monstrous chasm situated in the state of Arizona in the United States, and was made by the Colorado River. Although it is not the steepest nor the longest canyon on the planet, the Grand Canyon is perceived as a natural wonder in light of the general scale and size consolidated with the flawlessly hued landscape. The Canyon offers a mixture of lookouts and encounters that give visitors a view that can't be coordinated.

grand canyon
grand canyon

Many astounding perspectives of the Grand Canyon can be experienced from the numerous vistas that are introduced all through the recreation center, especially along the South Rim. On the other hand, probably the most staggering perspective of the gulch happens from the Toroweap Overlook. The main test is that this perspective is just available by three diverse soil ways: 
  • St. George, Utah (97 miles)
  • Colorado City (62 miles)
  • Pipe Spring National Monument (64 miles)

A less demanding distinct option for a still stunning perspective can be experienced through Lipan Point on the South Rim. This perspective opens visitors to an assortment of rock strata and conveys an astounding perspective of the Unkar Creek zone.

A helicopter visit is the most ideal approach to really admire the immeasurability of the Canyon. Getting up and the air and having a 10,000 foot perspective of the Canyon permits you to view the canyon in its sum. You can fly over in a plane, however a helicopter is a slower and more close experience with the canyon.

Going to the Grand Canyon is an involvement all by itself, however there are more gutsy approaches to experience the canyon and take in the magnificence of this natural wonder. The canyon can be investigated by walking through customary climbs, day treks, or broadened hiking excursions. It is vital to note that all overnight outdoors underneath the edge obliges a back nation grant.
Another basic and commendable experience is investigating the canyon on the back of a donkey. This gives an extraordinary ordeal of the ravine while permitting the donkey to convey the heap. The floor of the canyon can likewise be investigated by taking a white water rafting outing. There are an assortment of treks offered relying upon the sort of experience somebody is looking for and their rafting aptitude level.

grand canyon
grand canyon

The best times to investigate the Grand Canyon could without much of a stretch be wrangled about. Winter scenes are seemingly the absolute most astounding scenes, however the winter months close the streets toward the North Rim which truly give the better perspectives of the immeasurability of canyon.

All things considered, the best time to investigate the Grand Canyon is amid the summer months which furnish guests with more noteworthy access to an assortment of chances that the Grand Canyon gives to adventurers. In the event that you truly need to investigate the Grand Canyon, don't arrange a day trip. One could without much of a stretch expend a week finding and investigating the canyon. 

Grand Canyon Dimensions

     Ø The canyon is 277 miles (446 km) long
     Ø The width ranges from 4 to 18 miles (6.4 to 29 km)
     Ø The depth is over one mile (1.83 km).

Grand Canyon weather

grand canyon weather
grand canyon weather

The weather of the Grand Canyon changes with seasons. The South Rim as a rule keeps up higher temperatures when contrasted with the North Rim because of its higher elevations. Despite the fact that the general states of the canyon zone are dry, the onset of winter and the late summer months convey substantial downpours for both the North and South Rims. The later summer month downpours are regularly joined by emotional electrical storms, which introduced in the setting of the canyon, can be pronounced a wonder themselves.

South Rim Rainfall 16 inches (35 cm)
North Rim Rainfall 27 inches (59cm)
Snowfall 60 inches ( 132 cm) 144 inches (317 cm)

Inner gorge temperatures during the summer months are easily in the area of 100 F (37.8 C) and falling below 0 F (-17.8 C) during the winter months.

Where is the grand canyon ?

The Grand Canyon is a monstrous chasm situated in the state of Arizona in the United States, and was made by the Colorado River.

Grand Canyon Facts
  • The Grand canyon is 277 river miles long.
  • The width of the Grand Canyon ranges from 4 to 18 miles.
  • The depth of Grand Canyon is over one mile.
  • Majority is located within Grand Canyon National Park.
  • It was created by erosion of Colorado River.
  • But it is not the most steepest or the longest canyon in the world.
  • Because of the overall scale and size combined with the beautifully colored landscape , the Grand Canyon was counted as a Natural Wonder
  • Grand Canyon offers a variety of lookouts.
  • Provides visitors an unmatched view.

Mount everest

Most elevated mountain in the world, with the summit coming to a peak of 29,029 feet (8,848 m). Situated in the Himalaya mountains on the fringe between Nepal ,Tibet and China. Mount Everest speak to the most elevated spot on earth . Then again, Mauna Kea in Hawaii is the genuine tallest mountain in the world measured from its base, of which the greater part of it is under water.The most ideal approach to experience Mount Everest is by making the trek to the base of the mountain. For more experienced individual climbers, a move to the upper base camp. Be that as it may, this experience is excessive.

mount everest
mount everest

Climbing Mount Everest is not a high likelihood for a great many people, but rather there is a superior possibility of trekking to the piece of the mountain known as base camp. The Himalayas are a lovely mountain extent and simply trekking through the territory is sure to be an amazing experience. A trek to base camp of Mount Everest will be a thrilling experience.

mount everest
mount everest

An easier approach to experience Mount Everest is by taking a guided flight around Mount Everest. This current superior perspective of this glorious mountain is a boulevard that is accessible to more ravelers.Leverage the aptitude of experienced aides is suggested. You can investigate the Summit Climb group and others as you consider the amazing test.

The best season to visit Everest is amid the months of February through April; this is the end of the dry season.

mount everest
mount everest

Mount everest facts
  • Highest mountain on the planet, speaks to the most astounding spot on Earth's surface.
  • Summit achieves a peak of 29,029 feet.
  • Situated in the Himalaya mountains on the fringe in the middle of Nepal and Tibet, China.
  • Also known as Chomolungma.
  • Moving tectonic plates keep on pushing Everest upward, alongside the entire Himalaya mountain range, at 1.6 to 3.9 inches every year.
  • The most ideal approach to experience Mount Everest is by making the trek to the base of the mountain. For more experienced people, a move to the upper base camp. Anyhow, this experience is expensive; the Nepal government now obliges potential climbers to buy a $25,000USD climbing license.
  • The best season to investigate it is fall, amid the months of October and November which are the begin of the dry season (and obviously when its not snowing).
  • Related knowledge conveying an overwhelming pack for different days serves as fabulous readiness for this ascension. Climbers must have the capacity to convey a normal of 30 lbs or more and be physically and rationally arranged to manage strenuous circumstances at high elevations. Climbers need to be in great physical condition for both individual happiness and to be imperative colleagues.

How tall is mount everest

mount everest
mount everest

Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world measuring from the sea level, with the summit coming to a peak of 29,029 feet (8,848 m).It is not the highest mountain in the world, Mauna Kea in Hawaii is the original tallest mountain in the world measured from its base, but the greater part of it is under water.Thatswhy Mount Kea is not considered as Highest Mountain .

Northern lights ( Auroras)

The  Northern Lights otherwise called the Auroras, are actually naturally occurring lights that make charming and awesome displays in the sky. The Northern lights frequently appear as diffused sparkle illuminating the skyline. The most stunning sight is the point at which Aurora Borealis shows up as waves over the sky; it is as though the lights are moving.

northern lights
northern lights

The Best approach to see the Aurora Borealis is by looking for the Northern Lights. Albeit there is an aurora borealis that happens in both the northern and southern halves of the globe, the southern side of the equator areas are substantially more difficult. Aurora Borealis are the most outstanding, however a southern aurora does happen in the southern half of the globe . It Appear as gleaming sheets or moving waves.

With that at the top of the priority list, the most ideal approach to see Aurora Borealis is by making a trip toward the Northern Hemisphere. The shots of encountering Aurora Borealis will increment as you approach the attractive shaft. The attractive post is in no time found in the ice islands of Canada. On the off chance that you are blessed to discover the aurora borealis, the most ideal approaches to experience them is to remain in astonishment and watch them move over the sky. Tragically, you can't anticipate when the lights will show up no where, yet it is justified regardless of the exertion when you discover yourself underneath them as this great light celebration covers the sky.

The best chances of seeing the moving aurora borealis or Aurora Borealis happen between the months of March through April and September through October. Shockingly, the season of night when they can happen differs without expectation. It may be around 11:00pm or midnight one night and after that whenever it may happen at a young hour in the morning hours like 5am.

northern lights
northern lights

Northern lights Iceland

Northern lights are one of the greatest attracts to going to Iceland, nonetheless they are likewise a standout amongst the most slippery and capricious attractions this nation has. Despite the fact that it would be incredible to effectively pinpoint a how to see them, there are a great deal of variables to consider for seeing them: season, climate, length of stay, area and luckiness. Obviously, there are heaps of fabulous things to do in Iceland and its generally best to consider seeing Aurora Borealis if that wasn't already enough.

northern lights
northern lights

Northern lights Facts
  • Also known as polar auroras
  • The northern lights (aurora borealis) are the most notable, yet a southern (aurora australis) does happen in the southern side of the equator
  • No particular or steady estimations (configuration, size, example, shading)
  • Show up as sparkling sheets or moving waves
  • The possibilities of encountering Northern lights will increment as one methodologies the magnetic pole. The magnetic pole can be found in the Arctic islands of Canada.
  • Unfortunately, it cannot predict when the lights will appear, yet the best chances of seeing Aurora Borealis happen between the months of March to April and September to October (equinoxes).
  • Named after the Roman goddess of first light, Aurora, and the Greek name for north wind, boreas.
  • Auroras seen close to the magnetic pole may be high overhead, yet from further away, they light up the northern skyline as a greenish gleam or now and then a weak red, as though the sun were ascending from an irregular bearing.
  • Why such a variety of hues?
      • Auroras are the consequence of the discharges of photons in the Earth's upper environment (50 miles), from ionized nitrogen iotas recapturing an electron, and oxygen and nitrogen molecules coming back from an energized state to ground state. They are ionized or energized by the crash of sun oriented wind particles being piped down, and quickened along, the Earth's attractive field lines.
  • Oxygen emanations are green or earthy red, contingent upon the measure of vitality retained. 

  • Nitrogen outflows are blue or red; blue if the particle recovers an electron after it has been ionized, red if coming back to ground state from an energized state

Great barrier reef

Biggest coral reef framework on the planet , Consists of more than 2,900 different reefs & Stretches more than 1,600 miles (2,600 km) . It Can be seen from space.

The great barrier reef is the world's biggest individual arrangement made by living life forms. As the biggest coral reef on the planet, the Great Barrier Reef incorporates more than 900 islands, more than 2,900 different reefs, and backings a standout amongst the most differing biological communities on the planet. The Great Barrier Reef is conceivable the most terrific characteristic ponder on the planet and is the main miracle of nature that may be unmistakable perceived from space. The reef extends 1,600 miles (2,600 km) along the north eastern bank of Australia and it covers more than 133,000 square miles (344,000 sq km).

Great barrier reef
Great barrier reef

Presumably the most ideal approach to see and experience the Great Barrier Reef is through the viewpoint of a submerged cover. Snorkeling or scuba jumping gives a very close perspective of probably the most energetic fish, coral and marine life. An ensured awesome affair is to have a no holds barred experience through either a snorkeling or scuba plunging endeavor. As a rule, a barge vessel will be utilized to make the reef more available. "Live aboards" which are skimming visitor offices additionally give a chance to guests to experience the reef very close for developed periods.

A helicopter visit is an amazing approach to get over the Great Barrier Reef and witness the size and territory of this stupendous marine normal miracle. In numerous spots the sun will enter the shallow waters and light up the reef beneath. Flying over the reef will empower you to truly admire the magnificence of this miracle of nature.

The climate is tropical and genuinely predictable with it infrequently being amazingly hot or greatly cool. The late spring temperatures range from 73 to 91 degrees and the winter months range from the upper 50s to the mid 70s. The stormy season happens from November through May which represents more than 75% of the yearly precipitation amid this period. The primary thing to think about the climate is that it is sunny and tropical, so the essential arranging includes sun assurance and comfort.

Great barrier reef
Great barrier reef

Great barrier reef facts
  • It is the biggest coral reef framework on the planet.
  • Comprises of more than 2,900 different reefs.
  • Extends more than 1,600 miles.
  • Can be seen from space.
  • The 133,000 square miles incorporates 900 islands.
  • Situated in the Coral Sea, off the shoreline of Queensland in upper east Australia.
  • Reef structure made out of and assembled by billions of small living beings, known as coral polyps. 

Threats to the reef
  • An expansive piece of the reef is secured by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, which serves to point of confinement the effect of human utilization, for example, overfishing and tourism.
  • Other ecological weights to the reef and its biological community incorporate water quality from spillover, environmental change joined by mass coral blanching, and cyclic episodes of the crown-of-thistles starfish (which eat coral polyps).
  • Mass coral fading occasions because of rising sea temperatures happened in the summers of 1998, 2002 and 2006, and coral blanching will probably turn into a yearly event.

Great barrier reef
Great barrier reef

Great barrier reef tours

A helicopter tour is an excellent way to get above the Great Barrier Reef and witness the size and expanse of this spectacular marine natural wonder. Flying over the reef will enable you to really appreciate the grandeur of this wonder of nature.

A guaranteed spectacular experience is to have an up close and personal encounter through either a snorkeling or scuba diving expedition. In most cases, a pontoon boat will be used to make the reef more accessible. “Live aboards” which are floating guest facilities also provide an opportunity for visitors to experience the reef up close for extended periods.

Biodiversity in the reef

  • Underpins numerous defenseless or endangered species, some of which may be endemic to the reef framework.
  • Incorporates:
      • 30 types of whales, dolphins and porpoises;
      • 6 types of ocean turtles;
      • 15 types of seagrass;
      • around 125 types of shark,
      • stingray, skates;
      • near to 5,000 types of mollusc;
      • 9 types of seahorse;
      • 7 types of frogs;
      • 17 types of ocean snake;
      • more than 1,500 types of fish;
      • 400 types of corals (hard/delicate). 
    • (What's more, that is simply sea-going creatures.) 
  • Marine green growth or kelp make little biological systems on their surface which have been contrasted with a downpour woodland spread.

Victoria falls

Biggest waterfall in light of width and stature One mile wide (1.7 km) and 360 feet high (108 meters).Victoria Falls is situated on the outskirt in the middle of Zambia and Zimbabwe, and travelers can get to the falls through either Livingstone, Zambia or Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. The falls are likewise near to the outskirt of Botswana.The Zambezi River, which begins in northern Zambia, serves as the fall's water source.

victoria falls
victoria falls

The name Victoria Falls was given to the falls by the Scottish adventurer Dr. David Livingstone. He named the falls after the reining ruler at the time.
Local people called the falls Mosi-oa-Tunya signifying "smoke that thunders."
There are various exercises to add fervor and enterprise to an excursion to Victoria Falls. Then again, with regards to survey the falls, there are two exceptional and particular perspectives of the falls that ought to both be investigated to help you catch the genuine magnificence and wonder of this miracle of nature.

The main, and possibly the most amazing, perspective of the falls originates from the air. You can finish this by utilizing a flight over the falls utilizing either a helicopter or microlite. The microlite is the more courageous course, yet either will give you a stunning and terrific elevated perspective of the falls and the encompassing region. You will have a reasonable possibility of seeing elephants or other natural life while taking in the amazing perspective of the falls. Albeit there are no assurances, seeing natural life along the way will upgrade your characteristic miracles experience.

The second and similarly noteworthy perspective of the falls originates from the different trails that take after close by the falls. This exceptional trail places you eye to eye with the highest points of the falls. The falls are head on and just around 200 feet (60 meters) away. As you enter the recreation center and turn the corner you are immediately given the grandness and radiance of the falls. As you take the way and hear the water beating and witness the vapor rising, you rapidly comprehend the name, "smoke that thunders."

victoria falls
victoria falls

The dominant part of trails happen on the Zambian side of the falls, however the Zimbabwean side of the falls furnishes guests with the more prominent all encompassing perspective of the falls. Tourists and picture takers can see roughly 80% of the falls when contrasted with around 25 to 30% from the Zambian side.

There are fundamentally two seasons for the Victoria Falls region. The stormy season keeps running from late November to right on time April with the remaining months representing the dry season. One would envision that the stormy season with more water would make the falls more terrific, however the extra water and consequent fog noticeable all around makes it almost difficult to see the base of the falls.The months of June and July are presumably the best time to view the falls. The water levels are still sufficiently high to showcase the magnificence of the falls, yet the measure of water is less making not so much splash but rather more perceivability of the falls.

As you move into the later piece of the dry season, August through October, it is truly conceivable you will see more shake face than falls. Nonetheless, this likewise opens the entryway for strolling over the highest point of the falls which can be a remarkable and invigorating background too.

victoria falls
victoria falls

Victoria falls facts
  • It is also called Mosi-oa-Tunya signifying "fog that thunders."
  • It is the biggest waterfall taking into account width and stature.
  • It is one mile wide and 360 feet high.
  • Two national parks (Zambia) and (Zimbabwe) ensure the falls.
  • Victoria Falls is situated in southern Africa on the outskirts of Zambia and Zimbabwe. The Zambezi River serves as the falls' water source.
  • There are two seasons to the Victoria Falls region. The stormy season keeps running from late November to ahead of schedule April and the remaining months represent the dry season. One would envision that the blustery season with more water would make the falls more staggering, yet the extra water makes it difficult to see the base of the falls.
  • The rainbow can be seen amid any piece of the day, yet it is by all accounts brightest amid the early piece of the day. At full moon, a "moonbow" can be found in the shower rather than the standard sunshine rainbow.
  • The shower from the falls ascends more than 1,300 feet, infrequently even twice as high, and is noticeable from 30 miles away.
  • Victoria Falls is around three times the stature of Niagara Falls and well over double the width of its Horseshoe Falls. In tallness and width, Victoria Falls contends just with South America's Iguazu Falls.

Where is victoria falls ?

Victoria Falls is located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, and travelers can access the falls through either Livingstone, Zambia or Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. The falls are also close to the border of Botswana.
The Zambezi River, which originates in northern Zambia, serves as the fall's water source.

Victoria falls airport

Victoria Falls Airport serves the tourism business of Victoria Falls and is found 18 km south of the town of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

The current runway is equipped for taking care of airplane up to B737 or A319 or identical, on the other hand, arrangements are in progress to develop another 4000m runway that will permit bigger flying machine to utilize the air terminal. Bigger airplane will imply that the Victoria Falls can be gotten to straightforwardly by whole deal flights from the Americas, Europe and Asia. The extension of the airplane terminal will likewise incorporate the development of another global terminal building and the present one will be changed over into an elite household terminal.

victoria falls airport
victoria falls airport

The air terminal works 12 hours for each day and migration and income administrations are all accessible amid the working hours. It offers air terminal offices and administrations, including airplane stopping, freight and traveler taking care of, refueling, climate data, eateries and obligation free shops. Arrangements are in progress to bring saving money offices which are just found around the local area. The air terminal has transport administrations to and from inns and different places around the local area. There is a mixed bag of visit administrators, auto rentals (Avis, Europcar, Budget, Kanondo), offering from little economy to top of the extent rental vehicles, and also dependable taxis at the air terminal.

Harbor of Rio de janeiro

Situated around Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,Also known as Guanabara Bay , the Largest bay on the planet in view of volume of water and Surrounded by extraordinary mountains and arrangements.

harbor of rio de janeiro
harbor of rio de janeiro

The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro was made by disintegration from the Atlantic Ocean . The Harbor is encompassed by perfect rock stone monument mountains that incorporate the popular Sugar Loaf Mountain at 1,296 feet,Corcovado Peak at 2,310 feet and the slopes of Tijuca at 3,350 feet . Guests will likewise encounter various islands including Governor's island, Fundao and Snakes Island.

The most ideal approaches to see the Harbor of Rio de Janeiro are to get above it. A few guests will try to find and perspective the harbor and encompassing territory by taking to the skies. This should be possible either through helicopter or for the more gutsy through the utilization of a hang glider.Also guests will have extraordinary perspectives of the excellent shorelines that line the harbor and Enjoying the delicate white sandy shorelines is normal whether partaking in one of the numerous activity or extending projects, playing volleyball or other wearing venues, or simply relaxing around and taking in the sun.If you are not keen on taking in the shoreline or you have confirmed that movement, guests are urged to investigate the harbor from the suggested posts of Sugar Loaf Mountain and Corcovado. Both crests offer distinctive and unmistakable perspectives of the harbor and encompassing region.

Another approach to investigate the harbor is through a watercraft visit that opens guests to the islands, the shorelines and different perspectives of Sugar Loaf Mountain and the other stone monuments that encompass the harbor.
In the month of September The climate is decent and the stickiness has not set in.

harbor of rio de janeiro
harbor of rio de janeiro

Rio de janeiro facts
  • Situated around Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Surrounded by projecting mountains that incorporate Sugar Loaf at 1,296 feet, Corcovado Peak at 2,310 feet, and the Hills of Tijuca at 3,350 feet.
  • Rio de Janeiro translates "Waterway of January" in Portuguese.
  • Made by disintegration from the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Harbor offers various viewpoints to guests/visitors at different statures.
  • Local people are so glad for their geographically characterized home that they say, "God made the world in six days and on the seventh he focused on Rio."
  • It used to be a tropical rainforest loaded with prospering life, however is currently utilized by supertankers and yachts as a harbor.
  • The inlet's immensity has been contracting. With usable area at a premium, landmass has twice been modified. In the 1920s and again in the 1960s, little slopes had channels put through and on them to make more reasonable area. The "upgraded" land now houses an air terminal, a six-path interstate, parkland and shorelines, the city's current craftsmanship gallery, and other 20th-century points of interest as Rio looks to its incredible inlet for breathing room.

Paricutin volcano

A soot cone volcano Official tallness shifts reported as 9,101 feet (2,774 meters) or 10,397 feet (3,000 meters).Last erupted in 1952 & Youngest in America and conception saw by a human.

paricutin volcano
paricutin volcano

Paricutin is a soot cone volcano in Michoacán, Mexico. The volcano has been torpid since the last emission in 1952. It was set up as a characteristic miracle in light of the fact that humankind saw its introduction to the world. The volcano was likewise quickly developing coming to three-fourths of its size inside of the first year.

The most ideal approaches to see Paricutin is to take the 12 mile round outing trip to the highest point of the volcano. This can be finished through a strenuous trek or by horseback. The voyage will give you a chance to see Paricutin from an assortment of perspectives.

The most ideal approach to encountering Paricutin is by taking treks through the sandy banks and magma handle that encompass the volcano. To capitalize on your Paricutin enterprise, anticipate staying overnight no less than one if not two days. The 12 mile roundtrip voyage can be taken as an audacious climb or can be made less demanding by riding stallions. It makes for a taxing day in any case. On this trip you will cross past magma fields, covered town homes and a congregation coming to the highest point of Paricutin.Paricutin volcano is in a tropical domain with longer summers and milder winters. The normal winter temperatures range from 59 to 68 F with the mid year temperatures extending from 77 to 86 degrees.

paricutin volcano
paricutin volcano

Volcano facts
  • It is a soot cone volcano.
  • Situated in Mexican state of Michoacán.
  • Official stature shifts from 9,101 to 10,397 feet.
  • Last emitted in 1952.
  • Known as most youthful volcano in America.
  • The Paricutin volcano emits in 1943
  • This photograph taken in 1943 demonstrates a stupendous perspective of an emission of Paricutin during the evening. (Photograph: R.E. Wilcox/U.S. Land Survey/Wikipedia)
  • Set up as characteristic marvel on the grounds that humankind saw its introduction to the world. Volcano was additionally quickly developing, coming to 3/4 of its size inside of the first year.
  • Volcanism is a typical piece of the Mexican scene. Parícutin is the most youthful of more than 1,400 volcanic vents that exist in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt and North America. The volcano is exceptional in the way that its development was seen from its earliest reference point.
  • Three individuals kicked the bucket as an aftereffect of lightning strikes brought about by ejections, yet no passings were credited to the magma or suffocation.


  1. I have been visited Grand Canyon few months ago during my kissimmee bus tour with my friends. It is one of the most adventures destinations of USA. We can enjoy a lot of activities there with family and friends. This region looks amazing due to its unique combination of different colors and erosional forms. We can visit this spot in different ways like; by a helicopter, a horse ride, a hiking and through a boat. Boat is one of my favorite ways to see the awesome views of this natural wonder.

  2. its a great content
    thanks for writing

  3. Technically, the southern Northern Lights are referred to as the Southern Lights. Their scientific name is "Aurora Australis".

    Good job though, loved reading.
